lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

Anthrax letters in New York and Washington, DC

Well this event is also known as Amerithrax by the FBI, and it occured some weeks after the attacks of the 9/11 in 2001, started on september 18. What happened is that letters that had anthrax spores were mailed to people in the news media offices and to two Democratic U.S. Senators. It's said that five letters were mailed to ABC News, CBS News, NBC News and the New York Post, all in New York City; and to the National Enquirer at American Media,in Boca Raton, Florida. Only the New York Post and NBC letters were actually found but the existence of the other three letters is inferred because people who worked at ABC, CBS and AMI became infected with later with anthrax.

Two more anthrax letters were dated October 9, three weeks after the first mailing. The letters were sent to two Democratic Senators, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. When that happened, Daschle was the Senate Majority leader and Leahy was head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Daschle letter was opened by an assistant on october 15, and the government mail service shut down. The unopened Leahy letter was discovered in an impounded mail bag on November 16. The Leahy letter had been missdirected to the State Department mailin Sterling, Virginia, and a postal worker there, David Hose, contracted inhalational anthrax.

At least 22 were infected by anthrax, 11 inhaled the life-threatening inhalational variety. Five died of inhalational anthrax: Stevens; two employees of the Brentwood mail facility in Washington, Thomas Morris Jr. and Joseph Curseen, Kathy Nguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant resident in the Bronx who worked in New York City, and Ottilie Lundgren, a 94-year old widow of a prominent judge from Oxford, who was the last known victim.

Although the diffetent anthrax preparations in the five letters were of different grades, all of the material came from the same bacterial strain, known as the Ames strain. More than a dozen of buildings were contaminated with anthrax. The decontamination of the Brentwood postal facility took 26 months and cost $130 million dollars. The Hamilton, New Jersey postal facility remained closed until March 2005 and its cleanup cost $65 million. The United States Environmental Protection Agency spent $41.7 million to clean up government buildings in Washington, D.C. One FBI document said the total damage exceeded $1 billion. The principal means of decontamination is fumigation with chlorine dioxide gas

The primary suspect was not publicly identified until 2008.

1 comentario:

  1. Well this I already know it, I remember that was in all the news. USA haves many attacks maybe by the way it takes its decision and the way it goes along with other countries.
