domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

Excerpts on Death Penalty

The Death Penalty is a form of torture

The cruelty of torture is evident. Like torture, an execution constitutes an extreme physical and mental assault on a person already rendered helpless by government authorities. Abolitionist groups claim that the cruelty of the death penalty is manifest not only in the execution but in the time spent under sentence of death, during which the prisoner is constantly contemplating his or her own death at the hands of the state. Prison is an extraordinarily severe punishment that should not be exacerbated with torture or the death penalty.

Torture Defined
Torture of prisoners violates the Eight Amendment’s provision against Cruel and Unusual Punishment, and also constitutes a violation of several international laws. The United Nations Convention on Torture defined torture as “any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.”

An example of torture in the US Criminal Justice System

In May 1998, a lawsuit was filed concerning conditions for death row inmates in Idaho Maximum Security Institution. The suit states that inmates are held in solitary confinement for 163 of every week's 168 hours in small concrete and steel cells with solid metal doors and a narrow slit for a window. Inmates are allowed out of their cells for a maximum of one hour a day, excluding weekends, for recreation, alone and handcuffed in one of 12 enclosed wire mesh pens measuring approximately seven by 15 feet. The prisoner named in the lawsuit, Randy McKinney, states that he has lived under such a regime for 16 years, and that such treatment constitutes torture.

13 comentarios:

  1. Wow, I think that they believe that torture only includes physical torture, and they don't include mental torture, and I am the kind of person that believes that the pain that you can receive physically it can always be cured, but the mental torture and pain that you can receive, it can stay there for ever, and it would never go away, and it leaves the worse scars in life, and they stick to your skin permanently.

    1.- Of course! I mean, the only thing that they could think about its the day that they are going to die, and the sins that they might regret because, perhaps they might be receiving an even worse punishment.

    2.- In every possible way, as I said, the worse torture is the one that you do to yourself, by not allowing yourself to be comfortable and not finding another way to change the end of the situation.

    3.- Putting pain on people, and making them go to an extreme of their emotions and feelings to see how much they can resist or hold.

    4.- Yes, because the only fact that you are about to face the end of your story... thore end of you, your life, the most precious thing that a human could posses, its torture.

    5.- Yes, human life is something that we should respect above all things, we can't play to be God.

  2. There are a lot of kinds of torture but it's considered most of the time torture just at physical damage but the real is that it is worse the mental damage they cause t the persons because it's something that stays forever and changes the life of the people.Everybody as humans we are we have human rights, so no one should receive torture.Prison,Maltreatment are examples of mental torture.Torture are everywhere but it's something really bad for a human being.

    1-For them I think its the worst part of the punishment they receive because they are always like thinking about the day, about their lives,their live end and all those things.Really depressing!

    2-of course it has torture and depression.

    3-Causing pain to a person for some kind of agression mentally or physically.

    4-It's both because they are torturated mentally beacuse they are always thinking when and how are they going to die, and physical beacuse they are going to kill them and that involves physical agression.

    5-Yes, because no one has the right to take away somebody else life.

  3. I totally agree, I am against death penalty; of course that there are some people that might not deserve to live, but they live for a reason, there's a need to be bad people in the world so there can highlight the good people, its necessary, I think that jail its enough punishment, and its ok by the law, but the law its made by humans, and how are we supose to know that we are alright? We only act by what we think its right, but there´s no a supreme being (of course if we are not involving religion) that can tell us what's wrong and right.

  4. First of all I think this torture acts aren’t right. I think that it’s torture enough to be in jail or have your conscience bad just thinking about what you did. But they ad more suffering to that by torture. I think that emotional and physical torture are equally bad and everyone has the right to not to suffer.

    1. Totally, they have to spend all of their live just in suffering, torture. I imagine that everyone who is in jail experiences mental anguish, the fact of just being there not having any freedom is torture enough.
    2. Yes, mental and physical torture.
    3. Actions that make one person suffer physically or mentally, one example could be being a slave, or being hit to make you feel physical pain, or to torture you mentally by not letting you bath, have freedom, talk, taking away your rights,etc. Like they did in concentration camps
    4. I think it’s both, but most mental, because you have to be thinking that you are going to die painfully, and not knowing when, and not enjoying your life because the last days you will be spending them I prison.
    5. I think no one has the right to take anyone’s life, and by killing someone you are violating human rights. People sentence to death because they ‘deserve’ to die because of what they did, but by killing them they are doing the same the person sentenced did, violate rights, and turns them morally equal. That’s what I think.

  5. I agree that mental pain or torture is what marks the most, cause it stays forever in your mind and it's very very difficult to make it go away, you can see how a mentally damaged person is very hard to treat or make it more 'normally' stable, it's really hard.

  6. First of all, I’m against death penalty and torture. No one deserves any type of torture for whatever action they have done. There’s a human right that says that no person should take or recieve any type or torture, and since every person is human, they have rights and no one must violate them, it doesn’t matter how powerful you are, everyone is a human and everyone have their rights.
    1. Yes, I think that from all the torture and punishments they recieve they are only thinking about when it would be over, thinking about their death and remembering their life behind.
    2. Yes, mental most of it
    3. The action that a person do to another one that could harm him or her, being physical, mental, emocional, etc.
    4. Yes, mental because it will be the only thing that they’ll be thinking about and it could drive them into depression or crazy. Physical, because I think that from the desesperation they would try to harm themselves, but also because they are going to kill the person
    5. No, because they are still people and they still have human rights, they deserve to live.

  7. I agree with everyone else, the mental torture I think that is the most severe, bruises can go away, but the mental torture stays forever and can harm the person really badly. They would never be the same after it and form me is really hard to se a person suffering for any cause.

  8. I haved seen the torture of prisioners in a TV show I think it was in MTV and in another channel like AE or something like that, I remember how small are the places they have to be and all that, for me that is depressing don't having privacy and liberty maybe that makes them appreciate more life and think of what they do, but imagine being not guilty.

    1.-Do you think that death row inmates are experiencing mental anguish?
    Yes, because they know that they're gonna die and being without any freedom I couldn't survive that.
    2.-Does the situation constitute torture?
    3.-What is your definition of torture?
    For me torture is when they cause pain to a human being and makes it suffer.
    4.-Do you believe that being on death row is a form of physical or mental torture? Why or why not?
    Mental torture because all the days that they are there makes them think how they would die and all that.
    5.-Does being on death row strip people of their human dignity and worth, and therefore violate their human rights?
    Yes, because thay have don't have liberty and we can't choose who has to die.

  9. Physical torture can go with time or can leave scars to and sometimes scars can remember you what happened and that can also make you be mentally torture with the memories, I agree that mental torture is the one that leaves more marks in life.

  10. What i think about torture and death penalty is that is not a safe way to solve problems because you never know if you are treating with a guilty person or not. There's always the possibility to make mistakes and its unforgivable to to them in this cases. In the other side I think that this methods are useful when treating with people that has done big crimes such as murder, raping, and kid napping. This people has gone way beyond the line of others human rights. Why should we respect them then? I have read about this in newspaper of other countries and they usually agree on the fact that this people doesnt deserve any but this kind of punishments.

    1, Yes i guess they do experiment anguish knowing they are about to die and cant do anything to solve their problem or even escaping.

    2. Yes, I think this constitutes torture in some way because you are not able to do anything but wait for the moment. Thoughts during this period might be critical.

    3. My definition of torture would be emotional or physical stress that a person might experience for a circumstance. Can be done for somebody else or done by itself by thoughts.

    4. Yes, i definitely think that its kind of having a torture because though you are not being kick out they are going to do the worst they can -TAKING YOUR LIFE AWAY- there is no coming back at this point, you leave the people you love sometimes children, wives, husbands..etc.

    5. I think in some matter it does harm your dignity because you are put through something you obviously do not want to but at the same time you have nothing to fight if you are in a death strip is evident that you did something REALLY bad to deserve.. it you attempt somebodyelses life therefore you loose yours!

  11. I totally agree with the comment of adriana " u cant play with god"! sooner or later everything knows and ull have to pay for it

  12. I also think that domies comment about mental torture is the worst ever because it is the one that heals the less... have not we seen crazy soldiers that come from wars resting unable to rejoin society?

  13. what anne said about how sometimes you mistake a person and torture him, that is the worst thing, this person is suffering for nothing!
    No one must deserve torture for anything they have done, prison should do it ...
