domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009

Bombing of Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia (1996)

June 25, 1996- 9:43 p.m.- Khobar, Saudi Arabia. The men have parked their truck to one side of the building # 131  where the United States Air Force personnel from the 4404th Wing are housed. At  9:50 p.m. after only 9 minutes the men are gone and the fuel  truck exploded leaving a total of 19 dead and 372 wounded.  

The force of the explosion was enormous.  A huge crater was left were the vehicle was parked, 26 m wide and 11 m deep.  Windows were shattered and thrown miles away from the area and it destroyed six high rise apartment.

 The explosion contained the equivalent of 20,000 to 30,000 pounds of TNT.  The bomb was a mixture of gasoline and explosive powders placed in the gas tank. 

The terrorists were reported to have smuggled explosive materials and timing devices into S. A from Lebanon in paint cans, to later hide them underground in Qatif near Khobar. 

Later the next people were identified and arrested: Ahmed Ibrahim, Abdelkarim Hussein, Ali Saed, Ibrahim Salih and 9 other Saudis. 

The purpose of this attack was to exhort the U.S soldiers to leave the country  and that Khobar Towers would be attacked too if they did not begin immediately. 
William Perry who is the secretary of defense said in an interview in 2007 that " he now bealives "Al- Qaida" rather than Iran was behind a 1996 truck bombing at an American Military base" 


4 comentarios:

  1. I think that the US has made a lot of struggles in the world and it has that much power to dont make them go out to the public, and I bet the it has made even more horible actions to other countries, and whatever its done to America its such a huge deal!
    But I agree, no one deserves to die, for any reason at all. But if the only thing that we know its fighting its what we are going to do.

  2. Well battles are always bad because they come with deaths, monetary losts etc.I really don't know who started that war but the U.S. is very powerfuland they are almost on war there is always problems in that country

  3. I think that what they do to 'exhort' the soldiers it's just exagerated, they just create more trouble, deaths and wars. Maybe they just think it's the right way to solve problems, and they don't consider or concern about other people's lifes, how their decision can affect families that had nothing to do with the US soldiers and their problems with AL Qaida.

  4. I think that they went to much over the top, the way they tried to send the us soldiers was just ridiculous; killing people and creating more trouble when they are "trying" to solve it, they put at risk everyone's life.
