domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009

Blowing up of the USS Maine (1898)

Back on that time, Cuba was fighting against Spain to liberate their island from the Spanish, but when Spain sent the General Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau with the command to pacify the revolution so he concentated the rebels in districts to areas near military headquarters. So this had as conlcusion starvation and death of over 100,000 Cubans. The "Yellow Press" put pression over the President of the US, William McKinley to end the fighting in Cuba.
Pro-Weyler forces started to investigate in Havana riots in January 1898, and US became very worried about the safety of their citizens in the country.
On 24 January, McKinley sent the USS Maine and it arrived the 25th.
To avoid any conflict the commanding officer didn't allow the soldiers go on shore. The Navy's presence appeared to have a calming effect on the situation.
15 February, the Maine exploted, 266 men died. The city of Washington acted quickly and the Spain position on Cuba hardened, so US declared war to Spain on April 21 and Spain responded on the 23.
Some investigators insist the the explosion of the Maine didn't caused the war, but it served as a catalyst, accelerating the approach to a diplomatic impasse. It rallied American's opinion more strongly behind armed intervention.

2 comentarios:

  1. wow!! when cuba could you something about situations! Incredible.. instead of being better, look how they are now.!... Always the USA.. fighting you know that they are in the list of more than 70 conflicts? I totally agree with you Adriana that Latin America doesn't really have access to the real media, we only see what powered people want us to see and that really means a lot in the point of view we are supposed to have. Who do they think they are? I was so upset when I read in our Global
    Culture book about 11/09 day !!! THEY WROTE AS IF THEY WERE VICTIMS.. comme'on! That was too little for what they do daily in other countries!... uf... I dont want a sound extremist but Im glad they killed them in other country! Not only because of what they do in Eastern countries but for the rest of the world!

  2. as i mention the U.S. are always on war!I really don't think they fought for Cuba just for being friendly, they wanted to take advantage of the situacion.and i agree with you Any! Why does Cuba doesn't make something for their freedom Comunism has to end!
